It's Black Friday, but I'm not shopping. I'm still in Northern California "enjoying" the snow (I'm not a snow girl). But, I didn't want any of you who might be reading blogs over the Thanksgiving Holiday to miss me too terribly (it's okay to miss me somewhat, I miss you all too) so I scheduled this post. That's right, even when I'm away, I'm thinking about you guys.
Here's the deal. Three of my lovely blogging friends, Kelsey of Charming Pumpkin, Karla of Frugal Big Girl and Erin of Plus Sized Curves Ahead gave me a couple of blog awards last week and I'm quite excited about it because it gives me the opportunity to do two things. One, I get to share a little bit about myself for my new readers and for those of you who've wondered about my accent.* Two, and this is my favorite part, I get to share some of my favorite new blogs with you guys. Very exciting, no?
Let's get started. Here are the awards:
And here are the rules:
· Link back to the fabulous blogger you got the award from (done, done and done)
· Write 7 random things about yourself (I excel in random things, so, don't worry, I got this)
· Fill in the question form below (I'll do my best)
· Give the award to 10 other blogs and let them know (Love to!)
7 random things about me:
1. I love books. I read constantly, I just forget to update the What I'm Reading thingy in my sidebar.
2. I wear a size 10 shoe and am under the impression that is practically dainty for someone my height. Don't disabuse me of this notion.
3. I was a three sport athlete in high school - cross country, basketball and track and field.
4. Zombies both scare and enthrall me; as a result, I am obsessed with The Walking Dead.
5. I love to laugh. A lot. And as loudly as possible.
6. Grumpy people make me smile.
7. I ride my bike to work every day, rain, shine or snow. And it's the best thing I do for myself.
Question and Answer:
· Name your favorite song: This probably isn’t the best way to start a Q&A, but I don't have a favorite song. I can, however, tell you that right now I am listening almost constantly to The Black Keys. Especially their album, Brothers.
· Name your favorite dessert: Strawberry Lemonade Cake
· What pisses you off: Besides snow? People who say “I seen that…” – it makes me stabby when people say “seen” instead of “saw.”
· When you're upset, you: Shriek and threaten to elbow the offending party in the neck, of course.
· Your favorite pet: Dogs, I still miss my puppy immensely.
· Black or white: I’m both, actually.
· Your biggest fear: Um… zombies. Duh.
· Best feature: I would say my wit, but I guess my smile is okay too.
· Everyday attitude: I some how manage to be both high strung and disengaged. It’s a talent.
· What is perfection: Being woken up late on a Sunday morning from the light streaming through the trees.
· Guilty pleasure: The Walking Dead (seriously, I’m obsessed).
And here are some of my new favorite bloggers:
· Amanda at Something Old Meets Something New – we’re physically polar opposites, but Amanda and her blog are so sweet, you can’t help but love them.
· Jenn at The Suburb Experiment – Jenn is hilarious and we all know how I like to laugh (see # 5 above). She’s good at dressing herself too.
· Tracy at The Closet Shopper – great style and seriously diverse musical interests. What’s not to like?
· Kassi at The Closet Intervention – Kassi is a fellow tall blogger with fabulous style and a fabulous personality to match.
· Fashion Dynamite – Great style and pretty pictures in the woods; an all around lovely blog.
· Natasha at Required2BeInspired – I’d be inspired by Natasha’s blog even if she didn’t make it a requirement. She has fabulous style and makes a lot of her own clothes.
· Krista at Lazy Saturdays – Krista is crafty, has great style and I LOVE her remix posts.
· Cambria at Jupe – Cambria is super sweet and her style is what I’d aspire to if I weren’t a total drama queen.
· Sydney at Basic Cravings – Sydney has very clean, very classic style while working color and the best statement necklaces ever. Ever, I tell you, ever.
· Dawn at Suitcase Vignettes – I loved Dawn’s blog from the first moment I read it. And that was before I found out that she throws the best Halloween parties and pairs awesome fur hats with sequins. Love.
* I'm just kidding - I have a slight lisp, but no accent.