Oregon, being Oregon, only has summery weather approximately every fourth or fifth day. Saturday was gorgeous, Sunday it rained like hell, yesterday was overcast and today is more of the same. With some more rain thrown in because Oregon is ridiculous. I don't have the strength to fight it, so I've decided to embrace the gray:
Literally. I hugged each and every one of these pieces before I put them on. The pieces being a gray sweater skirt (Macy's) with a gray sweater (JC Penney) and dark gray boots (Gap). Yep, just gray on gray on gray. But, I think the print on the skirt keeps it from being too dull.
Also, this sweater looks like a crop top on me. It think it's a combination of my giant size and the fact that I shrunk it in the wash:
Thank goodness this skirt can be hiked up to make up for the possibly disastrous lack of sweater.
Happy Tuesday, All!